So you crashed in objc_msgSend() . Now what?
Most likely, you sent a message to an already-freed
object. Or maybe your pointer is perfectly correct, but
someone else mangled the object's contents - perhaps a buffer
overrun in a nearby allocation, or use of a dangling pointer that once
pointed to the memory now occupied by your object. Occasionally
objc_msgSend() crashes because a memory error smashed
the runtime's own data structures, but usually the trouble is in
the receiver object itself.
Whether you're in the debugger or looking at a crash log, you can
recover more information about the crash than just the backtrace.
Receiver and selector registers
objc_msgSend() stores the receiver object and the
selector in CPU registers while it works. These values can help
diagnose the problem.
The register names differ based on architecture and the
objc_msgSend() variant used. This list is correct for
Mac OS X Leopard and will probably remain correct for Snow
| objc_msgSend
objc_msgSend_fpret |
objc_msgSend_stret |
| receiver | SEL | receiver | SEL |
i386 | eax* | ecx |
eax* | ecx |
x86_64 | rdi | rsi |
rsi | rdx |
ppc | r3 | r4 |
r4 | r5 |
ppc64 | r3 | r4 |
r4 | r5 |
arm | r0 | r1 |
r1 | r2 |
arm64 | x0 | x1 |
— | — |
* i386 note: The receiver is in eax for most crashes, but not
all. If you manage to get far into objc_msgSend()
before falling over, then eax will have some other value.
Interpreting the receiver and invalid address
You can use the receiver's address and the invalid address that
caused the crash to get some hints about the underlying
problem. In a crash log, the receiver's address is in the Thread
State using the register name in the table above, and the invalid
address is listed at the top (usually something like
KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at <invalid address> ).
In the debugger
console, the invalid address is printed when the program stops,
and you can print the receiver's address using the register name
in the table above.
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000001
0x00090ec4 in objc_msgSend ()
(gdb) p/x $eax
$1 = 0x1
My test program crashed at [(id)1 release] . In real
crashes, these values are typically more interesting.
Usually, one of two things happens. The receiver address
itself is bogus, and the invalid address is the same value (or 16
or 32 bytes away). Or the receiver address is reasonable, and the
invalid address is the receiver's isa pointer. The
is what usually happens if you try to use an already-deallocated
object or someone else clobbered your valid object.
Look for special values like these in your crashes. Also look for
nearby values; on some architectures, an invalid isa
will cause a crash at isa+16 or isa+32
- Not divisble by 16 - misaligned
malloc() returns 16-byte aligned blocks. If
your receiver isn't 16-byte aligned, it probably never was a
valid object pointer.
- Top two and bottom two bits all set - malloc free list
- After a block is freed, the memory allocator may write free
list pointers into it. If you use a freed object after this,
you'll see an
isa pointer with the top two and
bottom two bits all set.
- All bits inverted - GC free list
- Like the malloc free list case above, but caused by the
garbage collector instead. In this case
looks bad, but ~address is more reasonable.
- 0xa1b1c1d3 - CF container
- CoreFoundation containers use this value for deleted or
empty items. Perhaps a freed object has been re-allocated as a
container, or someone used a freed container that has been
re-allocated as your object, or you read your pointer from a
container that was simultaneously changed by some other thread
and you don't have the right locks in place.
- ASCII text
- Perhaps a freed object has been re-allocated as a string, or
used a freed string that has been re-allocated as your object,
or some string operation has a buffer overrun. Use asciify to print these quickly in both
endians. This one looks URL-related, for example:
% asciify 0x2e777777
Interrogating the selector
Compiler optimization means the call site pointed to by the
second frame in the backtrace might not be the call that actually
crashed. It's possible that call succeeded, and then that method
made a tail call which was the one that crashed. Because of
tail call optimization, the intermediate frame would be missing
from the backtrace. We can use the selector register to determine
what the real crashing call was.
A selector is a pointer to a unique C string. This may change in
future OS versions, but for now it's handy for debugging. If you
have crashed in a debugger, open the debugger console and run
this, substituting the correct SEL register from the
table above:
(gdb) x/s $ecx
0xa1029: "release"
Snow Leopard's crash reporter adds selector names to crash logs
for you:
Application Specific Information:
objc_msgSend() selector name: release
Otherwise, retrieving the selector name from just a crash log is
difficult and doesn't always work. Until you have Snow Leopard,
cross your fingers and try this.
- From the crash log's Thread State, find the
SEL 's value using the register name in the table
ecx: 0x000a1029
- From the crash log's Binary Images, find the image whose
address range includes the
SEL 's value. This will
often be either the application itself or libobjc.A.dylib . If no
image spans that address, give up.
0x8b000 - 0x106ff7 libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <9b5973b7fa88f9aab7885530c7b278dd> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
- Find a copy of the image that matches the one in the crash
log. Use the UUID to verify the match.
% dwarfdump -u /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
UUID: 26650299-C6EA-B1C8-52D6-072AC874D400 (ppc) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
UUID: 9B5973B7-FA88-F9AA-B788-5530C7B278DD (i386) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
UUID: D2A4E8E1-3C1C-E0D9-2249-125B6DD621F8 (x86_64) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
This crash matches my installed libobjc.A.dylib for i386. If
it's a
system library, you may need the image from the OS version
listed in the crash log. If it's your application, you did
keep a copy of every version you shipped, right?
- Calculate the
SEL 's offset into the image.
0xa1029 - 0x8b000 = 0x16029
- Print the C string in the image at that offset. Remember to
specify the correct architecture.
% otool -v -arch i386 -s __TEXT __cstring /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib | grep 16029
00016029 release