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125th Reunion

Vintage Pictures

Community Quilt

Lakeside School Vintage Pictures

The "red building" was built in 1917 and still stands. This photo was taken in 1922.
Back row: Marvin Price, Paul Lindsay, Alice Lindsay, Parker Criswell, Elizabeth Stewart, Albie Schomp
Front row: Unknown, Alva Miller, Chester Croll, unknown, Isador Miller, Miss Jeanette Harder


Miss Cecelia Lark and the Lakeside student body in 1908.
Top row: Edward Thorsall, Miss Cecelia Lark, Emmett Newlon
2nd row: Muriel Jefts, Helen Thorsall, Alva Greenwalt, Flora Duncan, Edith Rouse
3rd row: Lois Jefts
Front row: Robert Duncan, Edwin Summers, Louis Flockhart, Carl Thorsall, Carlton Rouse, Harold Rouse, Joseph Flockhart, Ellsworth (Phil) Rouse


Lakeside School in 1888.